Can man, being a social animal, live alone or not?

Welcome to I am your friend Pushpa Dabodiya I have brought for you a special information which is very important and interesting for you.

So let's see what is special for today,

While connecting on social media, we are getting disconnected from our loved ones. In the era of WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, people are able to connect socially but is there an emotional connection?

Can man, being a social animal, live alone or not?


We see many such people around us who are connected to social media but they are completely alone in real life.

At the same time, there are many people who do not like to be socially connected, they are engrossed in their own world.

In such a situation, loneliness is considered a serious problem.
Man is a social animal, he is a social animal, that is, he cannot live life alone.

Meeting people, spending time with them, partying, celebrating is our nature and need. 

But is loneliness really that dangerous? Should we avoid this?

The answer is no.
If a person wants to be alone of his own free will, wants to spend time with himself, then there is no harm in it.
People who live alone have some specialties that make them different from others.

According to a study by the University of California and Wilmington College, children who want to be alone of their own free will. He understands life in a much better way. But if the child is forced to be alone, then it adversely affects their life itself.

However, in some studies it has been claimed that a lonely person can be a victim of depression.

Can man, being a social animal, live alone or not?

Research from the University of Buffalo in America says that people prefer to be alone for three reasons.
These 3 reasons can prevent them from mingling with other people.

Some people have met their heads, some people do not like crowds, while some people are friendly. But prefers to be alone. But according to research from the University of California, living in solitude is also an art that has to be learned.

Every person should know when they have to be alone and when they have to spend time with people.
Priority has been given in this study to be alone with one's mind and with one's own happiness.

Studies have found that people who prefer to be alone because of social work out. It is common for them to be stressed.
Such people are also more likely to have depression. On the other hand, if a person wants to be alone of his own free will, he remains happy and healthy in his life.

In different religions, from Hinduism to Buddhism, it has been advised to meditate, do templates or meditate on different contemplations. In such a situation, our mind remains calm and the ability to do something better increases.

Alone people have a unique personality. Every person has some specialty and to recognize that specialty, it becomes necessary to spend time with oneself.

There are some people who are so much lost in the outside world that they are not aware of their own adjustment. They do not even know about their inner personality and inner abilities.

The same lonely people can enhance their personality and have a different image. He lives his life according to himself and not by looking at others.
Alone people have a positive attitude.

When you are around people and see others as better than yourself, negative thinking starts developing.

You start wondering why you don't have that quality.
And in that affair we are not able to find our best quality but when you are alone then we can find our specialty.

People living alone are creative and protective.
Due to not being disturbed, they are able to do the work well and do it well with Oro.

Alone people do not like many people and do not argue with anyone. People who live alone remain independent. People who live alone are mentally emotionally strong. Because they know that they have to come out alone from every kind of trouble that comes in their life.

There is no problem that you cannot solve by being alone. The sex rate of people living alone is also higher. By taking out time for himself, he is able to do proper planning, which helps him a lot in getting sex.

Let me tell you that being alone does not mean that you give up your loved ones.

Let us tell you that being alone does not mean that you are away from your loved ones. This means that you should stay away from people who waste time with negative thinking.

Take time for yourself, think about something better. Read good books, make your own rules of life. There is a world outside of social media as well. Where you have your own, there are positive people too. Connect with them, share your problems with your close ones and take steps towards making yourself a better person.

By doing this, you will not only feel positive, but your self-confidence will also increase.
So friends, that's all for today, I hope you have liked today's information very much.

So you must have understood the positive and negative points of being alone. Greetings with the same hope.

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Thanks with the information.

Take care of yourself Take special care of cleanliness around you.

your friend 
Pushpa Dabodiya.
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