What is White Room Torture?

What is White Room Torture?

What is White Room Torture? 

Usually, white is considered a symbol of goodness, peace and happiness. On the other hand, black is associated with evil, terror and death. But the reality is a little different. White has been made the color of goodness because we do not know the horrors of white. There is a concept called the white torture chamber. In fact, it is one of the most horrific forms of torture in the world. 

We can see that white room torture has been included in many foreign language films. There are reports that Iran, the US and Venezuela are widely using white room torture against anti-terrorism operations. The horrors of white room torture are shown in an episode of the American action series 'The Brave'.

What is so terrible in white room torture?

White room torture is a very primitive and cruel form of punishment. Earlier also the accused were kept in such rooms. This punishment was mostly given to the accused in political cases and journalists. The specialty of the room used for white room torture is that there is no object of any color other than white in the room. 

Even the clothes worn will be white, as will the white bed, white fan, white light and white curtain. And only white food items are provided as food. Food items like white rice, milk, eggs and white bread must be provided to those living in such rooms. Everything that people will see and eat in this room will be white.

These rooms do not have windows. They cannot hear a single sound from outside. How long someone will be locked in the room depends on the severity of the crime. Sometimes it lasts for weeks. Sometimes this punishment can last for months and even years. Many people who have gone through this type of punishment say that it is one of the most horrific punishments in the world. 

This kind of punishment is given without beating or physical pain, but more than that, mental torture is given in these rooms. Just being locked in a room without seeing or hearing anything is torture. Then there is a room where you can only see completely white color. This is a place where you don't even know what darkness is, where the light never goes off.

A room where you can't see darkness even if you close your eyes. White light bulbs keep burning in this room 24 hours a day. People who stay in such rooms for more than a certain time can also lose their memory. People who get stressed while staying in these rooms sometimes cut themselves to see different colors and at least try to see the color of blood.

What is White Room Torture? 

The end result of this type of punishment is that the defendant will naturally go through a major depression. They will have to face major psychological impact. Mental disturbance will set in if you spend a long time in the same room. Similarly, the sensors will start to malfunction. The ability to see, hear, smell and taste will be lost.

He will lose his memories and will not be able to recognize his parents, children or even his life partner. After a long time, you will not even be able to recognize who you are and will become addicted to major mental illnesses. At first glance, it may not seem like a big deal, but the White Room torture is the most brutal punishment a human being can receive. In short, it is another way of killing by inches. No matter how much mental disturbance there is, these accused will not get treatment.

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