Are desi hen's eggs more nutritious than farm hen's eggs?

Are desi hen's eggs more nutritious than farm hen's eggs?

Let us clear a big misconception related to eggs today. While farm egg is available for 5 rupees, you have to pay 12 to 15 rupees for desi hen's eggs. When he used to fall ill during his childhood, he was asked to find the egg of a native hen that it is more nutritious.

So, are the eggs of desi hen more nutritious?

No, of course. This is a big misconception. The composition of the eggs of the farm and the native hen is exactly the same. Meaning, protein, fat and other nutrition are exactly equal in percentage terms. While the desi hen's egg is from 30 to 35 grams, the farm egg is 50-55 grams. In such a situation, we get more nutrition from a farm egg than domestic eggs and the cost is also less.

Are desi hen's eggs more nutritious than farm hen's eggs?

The yolk (yellow part) of the desi hen's egg is more yellowish, so it gives an impression that it is more nutritious, but it is not true. The native hen or any hen living in the open eats vegetation and insects, and the pigment in them gives the eggs that color. 

There is no nutrition in the pigment. Some research has described indigenous eggs as more nutritious, but research by renowned and large institutes suggests that there is no difference in the structure of the two eggs. If you notice a difference in taste, it is a different matter.

Eggs from free range (open grazing) chickens are also sold expensive in the US and other developed countries, but they are not nutritious due to them. Animal bird lovers believe that chickens do not live in a good environment in the farm and they are given problems. In such a situation, such eggs are given priority to promote free range.

If you too like to eat homegrown eggs for animal rights, then I appreciate it, but if you are eating desi poultry eggs thinking that they are more nutritious then you are wasting money.

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