What were the reasons for the decline of Harappan civilization

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The Harappan civilization is considered to be the best among the largest and most famous civilizations in ancient India.

The Harappan Civilization is also called the Indus Valley Civilization.

What were the reasons for the decline of Harappan civilization?

Today I will tell you what were the reasons for the decline of Harappan civilization?

The main reason for the decline of the Harappan civilization is considered to be its climate change.

Let us know why the great civilization like Harappa came to an end.

The reason for its downfall is believed to be floods. It is said that due to the border of the Indus river, the flow of the river changed. These circumstances destroyed the Harappan civilization.

The second biggest reason is considered to be the earthquake here.
A major earthquake like Quetta destroyed this civilization.
The third major reason is drought.

Severe drought and water scarcity and the expansion of the desert led to severe famines at times. Due to which this civilization gradually got destroyed.

The fourth major reason is believed to be due to drought, sometimes there was a very severe flood or sometimes a complete drought.

Because of this, either the agriculture dried up completely, the memory got completely drowned in the water.

The food crisis led to the destruction of this culture.
Apart from the climatic reasons, another reason is also believed to be the reason for the destruction of this culture.

The continuous invasion of the Indus civilization of Aryans is considered to be the main reason for its decline.

Aryans were foreigners, so it is believed that they came to India from Central Asia.

The Hai caste of Central Asia was very fierce and ruthless.
The Aryans started killing the people of Harappan civilization.

It is believed that most mass riots took place in Mohenjodaro. A large number of people were killed. This is considered to be the main reason for the decline of Harappa.

The Indus Valley Civilization declined in about 1800 BCE, but the reason for its decline is still disputed.

We have not received any accurate and concrete, definite evidence to know the reasons for the decline of the Harappan civilization.

What were the reasons for the decline of Harappan civilization?

Historians speculate about its decline on the basis of the following reasons:

1) Flood : It is imagined that the course of river was changed due to the words of Indus river and these circumstances destroyed this civilization.

2) Earthquake : A major earthquake like Quetta would have destroyed and corrupted the civilization.

3) Drought : Severe drought and due to it water scarcity and expansion of desert.

4) Rainfall: Due to drought , the Indus and its tributaries dried up or due to excessive rain the rivers changed their course and agricultural land was washed away or submerged in water, that is, due to frequent famines, this culture was destroyed.

5) Invasion : By a dreaded alien invader race. Invasions are also considered one of the reasons for the decline of the Harappan civilization. This invading race has been identified as the Aryans from Central Asia.

6) According to the famous historian K. R. Kennedy, the reason for the decline of the Indus civilization has been natural disaster and many great epidemics like malaria.

Conclusion :

Thus we see that there is no single cause responsible for the decline of the Harappan civilization. Floods, earthquakes, severe droughts, natural calamities, major epidemics, fierce invasions by foreign nations can be responsible for the decline of this civilization.

In today's article, I hope that you must have understood the reasons for the decline of Harappan civilization.

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Friends see you with another interesting information Till then take care of yourself and your family, keep cleanliness around you, thank you.

Your friend Pushpa Dabodia.
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