Which diet can cure fatty liver?

Which diet can cure fatty liver?

Which diet can cure fatty liver?

Friends, due to today's food habits, new diseases are increasing in the body. One such disease is fatty liver. Friends, in fatty liver, a large amount of fat gets deposited on your liver. Friends, after getting fatty liver, the patient feels nervous. He cannot sleep. He feels restless. There is pain in the stomach all day long.

Friends, fatty liver is also known by other names, one of its names is hepatic steatosis. Friends, our fatty liver is caused by many bad habits such as: obesity, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption and there can be many other reasons for it. 

Friends, if fatty liver is not cured in time, then it later takes the form of serious diseases like: cirrhosis and liver cancer and friends, it is very easy to cure fatty liver, you just need to follow a healthy diet. In today's article, we will talk about how you can cure your fatty liver:

1. Use Limited Saturated Fats and Trans Fats:

Friends, you should use Saturated Fats and Trans Fats only up to a certain quantity.

Saturated Fats: Foods like butter, palm oil, coconut oils, cheese, and red meat have highest amount of saturated fat.

Trans Fats: Foods like cakes, pie crusts, biscuits, frozen pizza, cookies, crackers and stick margarines.

Friends, you should not use the fatty substances mentioned above, instead you should use monounsaturated fats. 

Monounsaturated Fats: Foods like Olive, peanut, canola oils, Avocados, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Friends, this fat is very good for your body and it reduces the irritation and stomach pain in your body.

2. Increase Consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Friends, if you have fatty liver problem then you should eat foods which are rich in Omega-3.
Omega-3 fatty acids have many benefits, one of which is curing fatty liver.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are found mostly in a fish called salmon. Friends, if you are a vegetarian then it is also found in walnuts.

3. Consume Fiber:

Friends, a high fiber diet can also help you a lot in "reducing fatty liver". Friends, a high fiber diet is also very effective in reducing weight. 

In high fiber diet, you can eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts etc. Friends, suitable food contains high fiber which is very helpful in reducing your fatty liver. It also contains other vitamins and mineral mixtures which are beneficial for our body.

4. More Protein Less Fat:

Friends, if you have a problem of fatty liver, then you should take more protein and less fat. Because friends, the problem of fatty liver increases further, so we should avoid eating fatty food. Friends, the first protein-rich food comes first - chicken, fish, and if you are a vegetarian, then you can also use soybean and pulses.

5. Reduce use of Refined Carbohydrates and Added Sugars:

Friends, refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice etc. can reduce your insulin level and increase your liver fat. You should avoid eating such foods and you can replace them with some healthy things. Of course, you should avoid soda or any kind of cold drink available in the market as it will cause more problems to your fatty liver.

6. Reduce or no Alcohol Consumption:

Friends, alcohol is the most dangerous for your liver. So you should not consume alcohol at all during fatty liver and if you are addicted to it, then you should minimize the use of alcohol in the problem of fatty liver. Otherwise, it will spoil your health even more.
Friends, still if you want to drink alcohol then you should talk to a doctor and he will tell you according to your health condition whether you should drink alcohol or not or how much alcohol you should drink.

7. Stay Hydrated:

Friends, if you have a problem of fatty liver, then you should keep drinking water and keep your body hydrated. You should use liquids from time to time so that your body remains hydrated. Friends, water helps you a lot in removing toxins present in your body. 

8. Regular Meal Timing:

Friends, you have to take a very balanced diet and you have to eat it on time. You have to keep your weight balanced. Friends, keeping the weight low helps a lot in reducing the fat on your liver. Friends, in case of fatty liver problem, instead of eating a lot of food at once, take small meals so that your body gets energy throughout the day.

9. Exercise Regularly:

The last point is that you have to keep exercising daily. People who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from this disease or do not suffer from it at all, so you too should exercise on time every day to cure your disease. The heartbeat and weight of a person who exercises daily remains under control and he gets fewer diseases. Friends, you have to exercise for at least one hour, exercise can be in any form, you can run, exercise, if you like swimming then you can swim or you can cycle for an hour.

In the end, friends I would like to say that if you have fatty liver problem then you have to include omega 3 in your diet, increase fiber intake, exercise daily, drink lots of water and keep eating food at short intervals, don’t drink alcohol, eat more protein and eat less fatty foods.

With this we wish you better health and we pray to God that you get well soon.

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